Update 12.

Image found at: https://3d-car-shows.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/mobile-living-space.jpg
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As expected, today I had more energy than the days before. That was really nice as I could spend some time with my kids who are visiting me at the moment. πŸ™‚

Also I managed to complete another step in my plan for world domination, I mean, secret plan. Perhaps I’m getting you all too excited, but a start is a start, and I’m excited.

A big step today. I went all streamline. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am expecting hair loss. Well that’s been starting over the past few days, and today I decided that its got to the point where its got to go. So out with the shavers and hair clippers, and off with it all. πŸ™‚ It seems not only did I lose my facial hair and long hair, but also about ten years of age. So now I’m back in my twenties. πŸ™‚

Another side effect that’s noticeable at the moment is that my sore left arm is back, right on cue. At least this time I have the right medication on hand, so I can handle it. πŸ™‚

Other than those things not much else to report at this stage.

Stay streamlined and Awesome.

Youthfully, T Neil van Rooyen.


5 thoughts on “Update 12.

  1. Hi Neil nice to hear about your energy and the kids visiting, it will take your mind off your problems. Sorry to hear about your hair loss, but as you said now that it’s been cut you look much younger now also you are not the man in the bush. Looking forward to see you clean shaven. Stay positive. Love you lots. ??

  2. Well, the extra bonus of being streamlined is you will fit better into your superhero outfit… ?
    Now just focus on developing and fine tuning those superhero powers.
    Your first power I see is your amazing positive attitude.
    Your second power is infecting the peoples whose lives you touch with that positive attitude.
    Keep it up my streamlined brother.
    Lots of love and light.

  3. For me it was an emotional moment when I heard you were going streamlined, but I pushed through all that “stuff” and afterward you looked so great, I felt heaps better!
    Beanies are wonderful items of clothing lol!!

    Me next?? Maybe Audrey first ??!! lovies xx

  4. So good to see you are coping well and listening to your body. Hope the pain in your arm has eased off with the medication. Sorry for the hair loss but if it’s made you feel and look younger that’s a positive sign. Hope to see a photo of the new streamlined Neil soon. Take care and look after yourself, look forward to reading your next update. Stay positive love you lots xx

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